Wednesday 12 November 2014

Music, Love and The Truth

Music and Love can make you feel the same. When your in love the type of music you listen to for e.g. Acoustic Music (Ed Sheeran or John Mayer) actually describes the way you feel, it makes you miss him/her more. Music actually effects our thinking. If you are depressed or happy or high there are different types of Music for the different types of feelings.
                      Ed Sheeran and John Mayer are my idols. I love them not only for their music but i also love the dept in their words, the meaning in their heart or these words express how they feel, the lyrics can actually make you realize if your in love or not. Music is different and each and every person on planet earth needs music. Music is something that hits your head and mind and soul and you wont even know. Some musicians create such type of music that inspires people. John Mayer was my inspiration, he was the one who inspired me to learn the guitar. "Your Body Is A Wonderland - John Mayer" is that one song that gave me the urge to lean only that song on the guitar. But then I thought to myself, "if could get to learn this song on the guitar, then why not others?" Hence, I learnt the Guitar on my own at home and today i create my own sounds/tunes/melody. Today I can actually play the guitar very well, on my own, without anyone's help. I tried, I worked hard on getting all of this right. Today the music I listen to is the Music I want to learn so that I can actually move forward and get into the dept of it on my own. My parents regret not knowing to play a musical instrument and they are overjoyed to see me do it. This is something that keeps them happy so i'm happy too.
                      Love and Trust don't mean the same but they are the same. To love a person you need to trust first, How can you love someone without trusting them with all your heart? Its Impossible. Love is a two person thing. A gang of two people, its like them against the world. This all happens when they are truthful to each other, where they trust each other with all their heart more than any other person on this planet. Hearing the truth might hurt, but its worth it because you know it. If you don't know the truth then there is no Love. Music is Love and Love is Trust. Well JBL teaches me to HEAR THE TRUTH that's the best thing any person would ever LOVE to hear through MUSIC

"If you really Love THE TRUTH then you need to HEAR it" -Mars 


Friday 7 November 2014

Hear My Truth

SO... Music has been in my blood since I was a kid. It all started with my parents forcing me to go for piano lessons and that's when I actually discovered my ear for music. For those who don't  know what ear for music is.. its like a gift which all people don't have and so picking up music by ear and not needing notes or guidance is actually the ear for music. That's something I was shocked about. I no longer needed piano lessons and I anyhow got my self out of the whole classes thing. I realized I did not need to go for classes anymore so I started playing my favorite songs on my own and got them right.. so that's my start of music in my life. Then came the guitar which i dint need to go for lessons i learnt it at home using my piano and then i practiced that all day and learnt my favorite songs and other favorite songs too. Dance is a part of my life too... till today the most time I've ever spent is on Music itself.. Hard times, Good times, Trippy Times also Happy times. Music has spoken to me in different ways it has also helped me learn from the lyrics of a song or a particular tune in which i cud sing my heart out to the tune/rhythm... So from the past few years i.e. my college life has been going through Music itself, a lot of dance Jam ups,meet different people at different places, learning from them helped me grow not only in my dance but also in my knowledge, same with my guitar and singing, I met few other musicians at different gigs and stuff and spoke to them asked a lot of stuff and yes u do learn a lot from people who know and are willing to help u out, That's the good part about Mumbai city there are people who actually care.
Dance has been something that i never knew i could do. I never knew i would do a lot with this word DANCE.....SO! yeah i'm a street dancer.... Gotten myself into freestyling and liquiding even been a part of few dance crews in Mumbai but i always felt that a crew thing was never my thing so right now im just all solo and the dance i do i basically merging with the music... it can be any song and i can dance to it even if i don't know it, i have to dance to it... that's what freestyling is. If you ask a pure BBOY to dance to a House or EDM track he cant because he has his own thing and cant merge with any beat or tune given to him. This is what makes us freestylers different from the rest of the dancers. Without Music I wouldn't be able to do any of this. Music helps us grow in different ways
                           Since Music has been my entire life till today, I chose to be a JBLGrooveBaba and associate with music, I knew it would be really awesome and helpful, I enjoy being a part of JBL. The start itself has been so exciting, cant wait for more. JBL LOVE!